When and Where

June 17 - June 19 2019

Conference room @ Illinois Natural History Survey, University of Illinois Urbana/Champaign

Map from the hotel to INHS building

Directions to the conference room 1005: bronze bison -> doors -> turn left


We organize this workshop to bring together researches who use Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL), librarians who supply content and meta-data to BHL, and developers of BHL infrastructure.

Main topics of the workshop:


Date Time Event
June 16 all day Arrival
June 17 9AM - 5PM Day 1
June 17 6:30PM Welcoming Dinner
June 18 9AM - 5PM Day 2
June 19 9AM - 12PM Day 3
June 19 12PM - 2PM Wrap up

Contact and Logistics

Foe general questions contact Dmitry Mozzherin mozzheri@illinois.edu

For flight and hotel accomodations contact Cathy Bialeschki: cathyb@illinois.edu

For airfare:

Name (as it appears on ID used at airport check in)


Departing airport w/travel dates and timing preference

City/state of residence

Cell number for airline reservation record

For hotel

name, arrival date and departure date


The workshop is funded by NSF award #1356347