GNparser v1.5.0 is out. The following changes happened since 1.3.3:


Courtesy of Toby Marsden (@tobymarsden) GNparser in ‘cultivars mode’ is able to parse graft-chymeras. An example: “Cytisus purpureus + Laburnum anagyroides”. Note that cultivar-specific names are not recognized outside of the cultivars mode.


Add support for authors with prefix ‘ver’. An example: “Cryptopleura farlowiana (J.Agardh) ver Steeg & Jossly”.


Fixed parsing of multinomials where authorship is not separated by space. An example: “Paeonia daurica coriifolia(Rupr.) D.Y.Hong”.


Support an output in tab-separated values format. Quite often TSV format is much easier to parse than CSV. Tab character is much less common inside of scientific names than , character. Therefore just splitting by \t breaks a row into its components in many cases. It is still recommended to use CSV libraries for any given language to avoid unexpected problems.

Authors that contain prefixes do and de los are now parsed correctly. An example: “… de Cássia Silva do Nascimento …”

Authors with suffex ter are parsed correctly. An example: “Dematiocladium celtidicola Crous, M.J. Wingf. & Y. Zhang ter”.

Added support for non-ASCII apostrophes in Authors’ names. An example: “Galega officinalis (L.) L`Hèr.”.

New GNparser C-binding package for Node.js by Toby Marsden

Toby Marsden also created GNparser wrapper for Node.js.

Update of C-binding for Ruby-based parser

The new v5.3.4 [biodiversity Ruby gem][biodiversity] is released using C-binding to GNparser v1.4.2